Installation Ceremony On 19th July 2011
Installation ceremony of Rotary Club Rawalpindi was arranged at Pearl Continental hotel Rawalpindi on 19th July,2011. The ceremony started at 6.15pm. Club's secretary Rtn. Rashid Mashkoor started the function by inviting Rtn. Dr. Ifrahim Satti for the recitation from the holy Quran and then the remaining proceedings were carried out.
Our chief guest was District Governor Rtn. Dr.Pervez Ahsan Khan. District Governor Nominee Rtn. Haji Iftikhar Ahmed, Past District Governor Rtn. Shakeel Ansari and Assistant Governor Rtn. Manzoor Hussain Malik all graced the occasion with their presence. Members of other RotaryClubs of Rawalpindi/Islamabad region also attended the ceremony. Club's Report in detail was given by Assistant Governor Rtn. Manzoor Hussain Malik. President Khushnud-ul-Hassan gave his plan of the next year's activities and targets set forth for the club toachieve.
District Governor Nominee Rtn. Iftikhar Ahmed shared the activities of club during Floods with theparticipants.
PP Rtn. Haroon Sulaiman Khan gave a brief introduction of the Chief Guest District Governor Dr. Pervez Ahsan Khan.The District Governor Dr. Pervez Ahsan Khan enriched the audience with his thoughts.
We had over 90 guests including 40 friends of Rotary Club Rawalpindi who were specially invited to grace theoccasion. They were awarded shields as a token of remembrance for their help at the time when our country wasstriving for all kind of helping gesture during the Floods.
Five new members were inducted into the club and three members were decorated with the Paul Harris Fellow pin.
PP. Rtn. Mian M. Ateeq Sheikh gave the formal vote of thanks.The ceremony was ended and guests were entertained with refreshments.
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